
Supported organizations All Organizations

Instituto Vivenda

São Paulo

About: Visa diminuir o déficit habitacional brasileiro através da realização de reformas sociais subsidiadas de cômodos de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade e que tenham sua residência em condições insalubres de moradia.

Phi support: Housing reform for low-income families.

Duration: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023.

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Projeto Âncora

São Paulo

About: It acts encompassing social development and basic school learning, in Cotia (SP). Its objectives are to contribute to the construction of citizens aware of their capabilities.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .


São Paulo

About: Social Business created to help solve the problems of social housing in Brazil, making reforms and regularization.

Phi support: Housing reforms.

Duration: , , .

São Paulo

About: It maintains in operation a center of coexistence as a way to accomplish its purpose and to comply with the provisions of the National Policy of the Elderly.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .

Instituto C

São Paulo

About: Works with children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability to build their autonomy, being aware of their rights and duties and, consequently, can offer a healthy environment for the full development of their children.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .


São Paulo

About: Acolhe e assiste crianças e adolescentes oriundos de outras regiões do Brasil e da América Latina que vão a São Paulo em busca de tratamento médico, e que não tem condições financeiras para se sustentar durante o tempo do tratamento.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .

Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré – CEASM

São Paulo

About: : Its main purpose is the constitution, strengthening and / or articulation of social networks in which citizenship of the resident is valued, solidarity actions, respect for differences and criticism of social inequalities existing in the Carioca and Brazilian reality .

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .


São Paulo

About: Community institution of higher education that aims to produce and propagate knowledge from teaching, research and extension activities, based on pluralism and democratic debates, with a focus on reflection, growth and enrichment of society.

Phi support: Suporte aos alunos do Prouni.

Duration: , .

Escola de Notícias

São Paulo

About: Led by young people from Campo Limpo, in the south of São Paulo, the social initiative uses information and communication technologies as a strategy to access and expand social, cultural and economic rights of youth and school community.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .

Instituto Proa

São Paulo

About: A qualification project for low-income youth aged 17 to 19, developing their technical, behavioral, cultural, practical and personal skills through access to vocational education, early career guidance, and support in achievement of the first job.

Phi support: Institutional

Duration: .

Primeira Chance

São Paulo

About: Identifies talented young people from low-income families and promotes social inclusion by providing access to quality education and financial support for education-related expenditures.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .


São Paulo

About: Along with the care of children and young people - and as a complement to the bond with families - AFAGO-SP develops a project to build and finish the community houses, which are in a precarious condition, lack of sanitation and unhealthy to that of a community with basic infrastructure and masonry houses.

Phi support: Housing reform.

Duration: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 , 2023 e 2024

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.