

Saúde Criança Ilha

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Provides care to hundreds of families of patients with cleft lip and palate at the Hospital Municipal Nossa Senhora do Loreto.

Phi support: Reform and equipment.

Duration: .

Semente do Futuro

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: It promotes and stimulates the human development of children and adolescents, young people and their families through the promotion of sports and cultural activities as a better alternative for the quality of life and the establishment of a culture of peace.

Phi support: Rio Institute 2017 edict.

Duration: , .

Pré vestibular Bosque dos Caboclos

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: A collective that functions as a free and open pre-college entrance exam course, open to all who have already finished high school or who are in the last year.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Projeto Uerê

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Free model school in Maré (RJ) that works with alternative teaching method and own pedagogy, aimed at children and young people with cognitive and emotional blocks.

Phi support: Institutional and scholarships.

Duration: , , , .

RAESP – Support network for the exit of the penitentiary system Human Rights

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: It is a network of mobilization, articulation and strengthening of institutions and groups that work with the penitentiary system to create better conditions for the social insertion of ex-convicts in society.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.