

Centro Social e Cultural Tatiane Lima

About: Atua nas áreas de educação, assistência social e promoção de saúde aos moradores do Jardim Batan (RJ), através de atividades educativas, culturais e esportivas.

Phi support: Purchase of musical instruments.

Duration: .

Rede Cruzada

Rio de Janeiro

About: It operates in all phases of the individual's life, offering day care services; pre school; education through sport, art and culture; center for elderly people with day care and continuing education.

Phi support: Storytellers Project, House Emilian Lacay.

Duration: .

Fundação Santa Bárbara

Rio de Janeiro

About: To promote the well-being of sheltered children through health, education, psychosocial, vocational training and family bond preservation.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .

Parceiros da Educação

Rio de Janeiro

About: It contributes to the integral formation of students of public education networks through partnerships between civil society and schools and education offices, aiming at improving the quality of teaching, the students' academic achievement and impact public educational policies.

Phi support: Purchase of equipment and utensils.

Duration: , .

Pipa Social

Rio de Janeiro

About: Talent Bank made up of people skilled in arts, crafts and fashion, who live in low-income communities of Rio de Janeiro.

Phi support: Financial Assistance for craftsmen.

Duration: , .

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.