Supported organizations All Organizations
Projeto Ovelhinhas
About: It contributes to the access to quality education, with the lowest cost, attending children up to five years in their physical, psychological, intellectual and social aspects, complementing the action of the family and the community.
Phi support: Reform.
Redes da Maré
About: It seeks to develop projects within themes such as education, art and culture, social mobilization, public safety, local development, communication, fight against violence in its various manifestations, and generation of work and income.
Phi support: Turma preparatório, em parceria com a Brazil Foundation, recursos humanos, comunicação, materiais e equipamentos.
Duration: 2016, 2017, 2022 e 2023.
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Associação Solidários Amigos de Betânia – ASAB
About: It uses methodology of reception, recovery and social inclusion of the population in a street situation, in special social protection of high complexity.
Phi support: Reforma, materiais, equipamentos e alimentação.
Duration: 2016, 2017, 2023 e 2024
Bispo do Rosário Associação Cultural
About: Aimed at the users of the mental health network, families and residents of the region, it aims to stimulate social insertion through work, valuing the potential of creation and increasing autonomy, in a space of learning and coexistence.
Phi support: Management of the Rio 2018 Institute edict.
Duration: 2018, 2023 e 2024.
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About: Along with the care of children and young people - and as a complement to the bond with families - AFAGO-SP develops a project to build and finish the community houses, which are in a precarious condition, lack of sanitation and unhealthy to that of a community with basic infrastructure and masonry houses.
Phi support: Housing reform.
Duration: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 , 2023 e 2024
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About: Tem como missão democratizar o acesso a visão no Brasil levando saúde visual completa e doação de óculos a quem mais precisa, por meio de mutirões oftalmológicos em unidades móveis.
Phi support: Mutirão para distribuição de óculos, compra de um ônibus/consultório, equipamentos de oftalmologia, óculos e recursos humanos.
Duration: 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019
Ação Social Pela Música do Brasil
About: Social inclusion and citizenship formation through the teaching of classical music, for children, adolescents and young people living in a community that are in a situation of social vulnerability.
Phi support:orquestra, via Lei do ISS (Lei nº 5.553/2013).
Agência do Bem
About: Promote human development aiming at the full citizenship of low income populations, through education, in a transparent and sustainable way.
Phi support: Institutional, ISS Law, Rouanet Law.
Duration: Desde 2024.
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Apae Belford Roxo
About: Promotes integral care for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2018.
Banco da Providência (Providence Bank)
About: It contributes to the reduction of social inequality and contributes to the defense of the rights of young people, adults and families.
Phi support: Capacitação profissional, geração de renda e Feira da Providência (via Lei do ISS (Lei nº 5.553/2013), recursos humanos, materiais, equipamentos e ferramentas de informática.
Duration: Desde 2014.
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Associação Beneficente Amar
About: It develops its work with children, adolescents and young people in situations of personal and social risk, through the methodology of the Preventive System of Education.
Phi support: Maintenance of expenses of the Casa de Acolhida Frei Carmelo Cox.
Duration: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 e 2025.
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