Supported organizations All Organizations
About: It seeks to support the entire community of pulmonary hypertension, through specific educational events, support groups for psychological support, legal advice, providing information on new treatment perspectives, updating information through social networks, etc.
Phi support: Purchase of medicines.
Duration: 2018.
About: Movement to promote mobility, diversity, connections and integration, which works to disseminate the culture of each migrant in the host society through an articulation based on cultural events and capacities.
Phi support: Institutional.
Duration: 2018.
Capão Cidadão
Lona na Lua
About: It contributes to the cultural and social development of children and adolescents through an inclusive art model and stimulates the emergence of critical and conscious young people, presenting them ethical values within the daily exercise of citizenship.
Phi support: Cultural workshops.
Duration: 2017, 2018 e 2022.
Cine & Rock
About: Cultural movement of the rock group Praça do Pinheiro, in the Rio das Pedras neighborhood, with the producer and cultural manager Léu Oliveira. It currently serves 160 children and young people, from 3 to 17 years old.
Phi support: Management of the Rio 2018 Institute's bid and reform.
Associação da casa de repouso Lar da Vovó Marli
About: Reception of 27 elderly people in situation of social vulnerability. Special diet, health care and recreational activities are offered.
Phi support: Purchase of hospital mattress and bed linen.
Duration: 2017.
Casa Ronald McDonald (Ronald McDonald House Charities)
About: Give comprehensive care to children and adolescents with cancer and their families.
Phi support: Reform and purchase of equipment.
About: Along with the care of children and young people - and as a complement to the bond with families - AFAGO-SP develops a project to build and finish the community houses, which are in a precarious condition, lack of sanitation and unhealthy to that of a community with basic infrastructure and masonry houses.
Phi support: Housing reform.
Duration: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 , 2023 e 2024
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About: Tem como missão democratizar o acesso a visão no Brasil levando saúde visual completa e doação de óculos a quem mais precisa, por meio de mutirões oftalmológicos em unidades móveis.
Phi support: Mutirão para distribuição de óculos, compra de um ônibus/consultório, equipamentos de oftalmologia, óculos e recursos humanos.
Duration: 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019
Associação São Joaquim de Apoio a Maturidade
About: Provides services of coexistence and strengthening of bonds for elderly people, in the city of Carapicuíba (SP).
Phi support: Institutional.
APADA – Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Deficientes da Audição
About: Since 1969 have been working with the deaf, hearing impaired and their families.
Phi support: Reform of headquarters.
Duration: 2018.