Supported organizations All Organizations
Centro Comunitário Ludovico Pavoni
Centro Cultural a História Que eu Conto
About: Fomentar ações que contribuam para o desenvolvimento humano e local dos moradores do Complexo de Vila Aliança e Senador Camará, no Rio de Janeiro, através da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento e à pluralidade cultural, na perspectiva do cuidado integral.
Phi support: Reform.
Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré – CEASM
About: : Its main purpose is the constitution, strengthening and / or articulation of social networks in which citizenship of the resident is valued, solidarity actions, respect for differences and criticism of social inequalities existing in the Carioca and Brazilian reality .
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2018.
Casa de Santa Ana
About: Welcomes the elderly in the daytime, offering activities, psychosocial support, food and monitoring of the multidisciplinary team. It also offers ballet, singing and percussion classes, lectures and socio-educational and cultural activities for children and young people.
Phi support: Curative and institutional sector.
Centro Social E aí como é que fica?
About: Nursery with full-time care that takes care of 65 children up to four years old, in Rocinha, with a staff of 11 employees.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2017.
Centro Social e Cultural Tatiane Lima
About: Atua nas áreas de educação, assistência social e promoção de saúde aos moradores do Jardim Batan (RJ), através de atividades educativas, culturais e esportivas.
Phi support: Purchase of musical instruments.
Duration: 2015.
About: Convidativa works in psychosocial rehabilitation, welcoming 45 adults with disabilities in a situation of abandonment.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2018.
Cozinheiros do Amanhã
About: Formação de um ecossistema empreendedor e cercado de jovens aprendendo a fazer negócios que possam transformar os hábitos alimentares e o ambiente socioeconômico de onde vivem.
Phi support: Institutional.
Duration: 2018.
Rede Cruzada
About: It operates in all phases of the individual's life, offering day care services; pre school; education through sport, art and culture; center for elderly people with day care and continuing education.
Phi support: Storytellers Project, House Emilian Lacay.
Duration: 2015.
Elas da Corrente
About: Inactive organization.
Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.
Duration: 2017.
About: Community institution of higher education that aims to produce and propagate knowledge from teaching, research and extension activities, based on pluralism and democratic debates, with a focus on reflection, growth and enrichment of society.
Phi support: Suporte aos alunos do Prouni.
Fundação Santa Bárbara
About: To promote the well-being of sheltered children through health, education, psychosocial, vocational training and family bond preservation.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2015.