
Supported organizations All Organizations

Parceiros da Educação

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: It contributes to the integral formation of students of public education networks through partnerships between civil society and schools and education offices, aiming at improving the quality of teaching, the students' academic achievement and impact public educational policies.

Phi support: Purchase of equipment and utensils.

Duration: , .

Pipa Social

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Talent Bank made up of people skilled in arts, crafts and fashion, who live in low-income communities of Rio de Janeiro.

Phi support: Financial Assistance for craftsmen.

Duration: , .

Primeira Chance

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: Identifies talented young people from low-income families and promotes social inclusion by providing access to quality education and financial support for education-related expenditures.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Projeto Ovelhinhas

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: It contributes to the access to quality education, with the lowest cost, attending children up to five years in their physical, psychological, intellectual and social aspects, complementing the action of the family and the community.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: , , .

Redes da Maré

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: It seeks to develop projects within themes such as education, art and culture, social mobilization, public safety, local development, communication, fight against violence in its various manifestations, and generation of work and income.

Phi support: Turma preparatório, em parceria com a Brazil Foundation, recursos humanos, comunicação, materiais e equipamentos.

Duration: 2016, 2017, 2022 e 2023.

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Associação Solidários Amigos de Betânia – ASAB

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Utiliza metodologia de acolhimento, recuperação e inclusão social de população em situação de rua, na proteção social especial de alta complexidade.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: , .

Bispo do Rosário Associação Cultural

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Aimed at the users of the mental health network, families and residents of the region, it aims to stimulate social insertion through work, valuing the potential of creation and increasing autonomy, in a space of learning and coexistence.

Phi support: Management of the Rio 2018 Institute edict.

Duration: 2018 e 2023.

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Casa de Apoio a criança com câncer São Vicente de Paulo

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Offers children and adolescents with cancer, sickle cell disease, thalassemia and other serious non-contagious blood diseases, as well as their companions, from distant municipalities in all Brazilian states, providing the necessary support to who may face the material and emotional difficulties caused by the disease.

Phi support: Institutional and installation of solar plate.

Duration: , , .

Escola de Notícias

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: Led by young people from Campo Limpo, in the south of São Paulo, the social initiative uses information and communication technologies as a strategy to access and expand social, cultural and economic rights of youth and school community.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .

Ação Social Pela Música do Brasil

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Social inclusion and citizenship formation through the teaching of classical music, for children, adolescents and young people living in a community that are in a situation of social vulnerability.

Phi support:orquestra, via Lei do ISS (Lei nº 5.553/2013).

Duration: , , .

Agência do Bem

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Promote human development aiming at the full citizenship of low income populations, through education, in a transparent and sustainable way.

Phi support: Institutional, ISS Law, Rouanet Law.

Duration: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 e 2023.

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Apae Belford Roxo

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Promotes integral care for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.