
Supported organizations All Organizations

Disque Denúncia

Rio de Janeiro

About: It acts in the awareness and cooperation of civil society in the face of violence; in support of the activities carried out by the government in the fight against violence against the elderly, children, youth and women and in the defense and preservation of the environment, promoting values of citizenship, peace and justice.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .

Permacultura Lab

Rio de Janeiro

About: It contributes to the development of food security and the implementation of green areas in the city. Integrates school with the community through the development of extracurricular activities and the search for solutions to local socio-environmental problems.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: 2018, 2020, 2023 e 2024.

Fundação do Rim

Rio de Janeiro

About: Promove ações que contribuam para melhora da qualidade de vida, através da atenção integral, a crianças e jovens doentes renais crônicos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Phi support: Institucional e recursos humanos para sessões de fisioterapia.

Duration: 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Visit website:


Rio de Janeiro

About: It acts in the promotion of the health of people with hematological diseases and in hemotherapy assistance.

Phi support: Structural modernization of the refrigeration system.

Duration: , .

Grupo Arco-Íris de Conscientização Homossexual

About: Its mission is to promote quality of life, human rights and citizenship for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transgender people.

Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.

Duration: .


Rio de Janeiro

About: Welcomes, guides and assists disabled adults with autism spectrum disorders, cognitive impairments and other associated disorders, and their respective families, offering qualified support to stimulate the development of their abilities, aiming at the achievement of autonomy and integration of these individuals into society.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: , .

Grupo Comunitário Morro da Alegria

Rio de Janeiro

About: Located in Rocinha, the day care center aims at the development of citizenship and the construction of child's identity. It serves 65 children up to four years of age.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .

Hip Funk

Rio de Janeiro

About: It is a project that shows the cultural aspects of hip hop and funk, with a weekly schedule of dynamic activities.

Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.

Duration: , .

Imagens em Movimento

Rio de Janeiro

About: Oferece oficinas de cinema para estudantes de escolas públicas, além de cursos de capacitação para educadores amantes da arte cinematográfica e eventos de exibição das obras realizadas nestes processos.

Phi support: Institutional, via the ISS Law (Law nº 5.553 / 2013).

Duration: .

Instituto Arcádia

Rio de Janeiro

About: It promotes actions that allow access to art, culture, sports, quality of life, awareness of environmental preservation, inclusive education and professionalization.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Instituto C

São Paulo

About: Works with children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability to build their autonomy, being aware of their rights and duties and, consequently, can offer a healthy environment for the full development of their children.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Instituto Desiderata

Rio de Janeiro

About: It works to strengthen public policies on education and health that provide children and adolescents with quality basic education and early diagnosis and excellence in the treatment of cancer.

Phi support: Capacitação profissional, materiais e equipamentos, recursos humanos, transporte e alimentação. 

Duration: 2017, 2018, 2022 e 2024

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.