Supported organizations All Organizations
Pró Criança Cardíaca
About: Atende crianças cardíacas carentes que são encaminhadas pelos médicos da rede pública.
Phi support: Compra de equipamentos, cirurgias e procedimento cardíaco ou odontológico em crianças na fila de espera.
Duration: 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024
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Pró Queimados
About: Tem como missão conscientizar a sociedade da gravidade das queimaduras e das dificuldades de seu tratamento e reabilitação. Promove ações e campanhas de prevenção de queimaduras e oferece suporte no processo de reabilitação física, recuperação e reintegração psicossocial e profissional das vítimas, além de oferecer apoio aos familiares.
Phi support: Purchase of compressive meshes.
Instituto Vivenda
About: Visa diminuir o déficit habitacional brasileiro através da realização de reformas sociais subsidiadas de cômodos de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade e que tenham sua residência em condições insalubres de moradia.
Phi support: Housing reform for low-income families.
Duration: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023.
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Instituto Reação
About:Promotes human development and social inclusion through sports and education, promoting judo from sports initiation to high yield. The proposal is to use sport as an educational and social transformation tool, forming black belts on and off the mat.
Phi support: Reform of the headquarters, judo classes and pedagogical workshops.
Instituto Semear
About: It operates at the base of the social pyramid in order to reduce the evasion of young people of great potential of the universities.
Phi support: Scholarships for Young University Students.
Duration: 2016.
Lar Luz e Amor
About: It works in the social-legal area, welcoming children up to four years old, in addition to children of a higher age in the case of sibling groups.
Phi support: Human resources.
Lar Maria de Lourdes
About: : It houses people with physical and / or neurological disabilities, such as neurophagia, hydrocephalus and autism.
Phi support: Construction of the living space.
Solar Meninos de Luz
About: Promotes integral education, culture, sports, support for professionalization, basic health care and social assistance to families with a higher level of disruption of the communities of Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo. There are 400 children from 3 months to 18 years.
Phi support: Institutional and infant feeding.
Duration: Desde 2016.
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Mulheres de Pedra
About: Potencializa mulheres negras e a comunidade LGBTI+ da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro através da arte, educação e ocupação do espaço urbano, promovendo equidade social e valorização das identidades periféricas.
Phi support: Gestão do Edital do Instituto Rio em 2017, materiais e recursos humanos.
Duration: 2017 e 2024
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Disque Denúncia
About: It acts in the awareness and cooperation of civil society in the face of violence; in support of the activities carried out by the government in the fight against violence against the elderly, children, youth and women and in the defense and preservation of the environment, promoting values of citizenship, peace and justice.
Phi support: Institutional.