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Ação Social Pela Música do Brasil

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Social inclusion and citizenship formation through the teaching of classical music, for children, adolescents and young people living in a community that are in a situation of social vulnerability.

Phi support:orquestra, via Lei do ISS (Lei nº 5.553/2013).

Duration: , , .

ACUCA – Associação Cultural do Camorim

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: It rescues and values elements that make up the cultural heritage of Camorim, besides the defense, preservation and conservation of the environment and the sustainability of the place.

Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.

Duration: , .

Agência do Bem

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Promote human development aiming at the full citizenship of low income populations, through education, in a transparent and sustainable way.

Phi support: Institutional, ISS Law, Rouanet Law.

Duration: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 e 2023.

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