Supported organizations All Organizations
About: Convidativa works in psychosocial rehabilitation, welcoming 45 adults with disabilities in a situation of abandonment.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2018.
Cozinheiros do Amanhã
About: Formação de um ecossistema empreendedor e cercado de jovens aprendendo a fazer negócios que possam transformar os hábitos alimentares e o ambiente socioeconômico de onde vivem.
Phi support: Institutional.
Duration: 2018.
Rede Cruzada
About: It operates in all phases of the individual's life, offering day care services; pre school; education through sport, art and culture; center for elderly people with day care and continuing education.
Phi support: Storytellers Project, House Emilian Lacay.
Duration: 2015.
Elas da Corrente
About: Inactive organization.
Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.
Duration: 2017.
Fundação Santa Bárbara
About: To promote the well-being of sheltered children through health, education, psychosocial, vocational training and family bond preservation.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2015.
Fundação Jesus de Nazaré
About: Infant Education for 200 children from the community of Nova Campinas, Duque de Caxias (RJ).
Phi support: Reform.
Casa do Menor São Miguel Arcanjo
About: Community development and welcoming program, aiming at the inclusion and protagonism of children, adolescents, young people and families at risk.
Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.
Duration: 2017.
Casa dos Sonhos da Terceira Idade
About: Nursing Home for the elderly that works to promote solidarity and encourage the participation of the elderly in society in order to improve their quality of life.
Phi support: Reform of the area of coexistence.
Duration: 2016.
Centro Cultural a História Que eu Conto
About: Fomentar ações que contribuam para o desenvolvimento humano e local dos moradores do Complexo de Vila Aliança e Senador Camará, no Rio de Janeiro, através da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento e à pluralidade cultural, na perspectiva do cuidado integral.
Phi support: Reform.
Casa de Santa Ana
About: Welcomes the elderly in the daytime, offering activities, psychosocial support, food and monitoring of the multidisciplinary team. It also offers ballet, singing and percussion classes, lectures and socio-educational and cultural activities for children and young people.
Phi support: Curative and institutional sector.
Casa de Apoio a criança com câncer São Vicente de Paulo
About: Offers children and adolescents with cancer, sickle cell disease, thalassemia and other serious non-contagious blood diseases, as well as their companions, from distant municipalities in all Brazilian states, providing the necessary support to who may face the material and emotional difficulties caused by the disease.
Phi support: Institutional and installation of solar plate.
São Charbel
About: Educational proposal dedicated to the construction of critical and autonomous thinking, offering children a new perspective through playful, reflective and meaningful experiences.
Phi support: Reform.
Duration: 2018.