
Supported organizations All Organizations

Lar Luz e Amor

Rio de Janeiro

About: It works in the social-legal area, welcoming children up to four years old, in addition to children of a higher age in the case of sibling groups.

Phi support: Human resources.

Duration: , .

Lar Maria de Lourdes

Rio de Janeiro

About: : It houses people with physical and / or neurological disabilities, such as neurophagia, hydrocephalus and autism.

Phi support: Construction of the living space.

Duration: , .

Solar Meninos de Luz

Rio de Janeiro

About: Promotes integral education, culture, sports, support for professionalization, basic health care and social assistance to families with a higher level of disruption of the communities of Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo. There are 400 children from 3 months to 18 years.

Phi support: Institutional and infant feeding.

Duration: Desde 2016.

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Mulheres de Pedra

Rio de Janeiro

About: Potencializa mulheres negras e a comunidade LGBTI+ da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro através da arte, educação e ocupação do espaço urbano, promovendo equidade social e valorização das identidades periféricas.

Phi support: Gestão do Edital do Instituto Rio em 2017, materiais e recursos humanos.

Duration: 2017 e 2024

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Rio de Janeiro

About: Private institution of higher education that for more than four decades forms professionals of excellence, with international vision and protagonism in the vein.

Phi support: Apoio a alunos do Prouni.

Duration: .

Hip Funk

Rio de Janeiro

About: It is a project that shows the cultural aspects of hip hop and funk, with a weekly schedule of dynamic activities.

Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.

Duration: , .

Imagens em Movimento

Rio de Janeiro

About: Oferece oficinas de cinema para estudantes de escolas públicas, além de cursos de capacitação para educadores amantes da arte cinematográfica e eventos de exibição das obras realizadas nestes processos.

Phi support: Institutional, via the ISS Law (Law nº 5.553 / 2013).

Duration: .

Instituto Arcádia

Rio de Janeiro

About: It promotes actions that allow access to art, culture, sports, quality of life, awareness of environmental preservation, inclusive education and professionalization.

Phi support: Institutional.

Duration: .

Instituto Desiderata

Rio de Janeiro

About: It works to strengthen public policies on education and health that provide children and adolescents with quality basic education and early diagnosis and excellence in the treatment of cancer.

Phi support: Capacitação profissional, materiais e equipamentos, recursos humanos, transporte e alimentação. 

Duration: 2017, 2018, 2022, 2024 e 2025.

Instituto Jackie Silva

Rio de Janeiro

About: Promotes the social inclusion of children in situations of social vulnerability from the practice of volleyball.

Phi support: Construction of a beach volleyball court.

Duration: .

Fundação do Rim

Rio de Janeiro

About: Promove ações que contribuam para melhora da qualidade de vida, através da atenção integral, a crianças e jovens doentes renais crônicos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Phi support: Institucional e recursos humanos para sessões de fisioterapia.

Duration: 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

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Rio de Janeiro

About: It acts in the promotion of the health of people with hematological diseases and in hemotherapy assistance.

Phi support: Structural modernization of the refrigeration system.

Duration: , .

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.