
Ministério Internacional de Misericórdia

Sobre a organização: The organization seeks to promote quality of life through the social, political and pedagogical development of children, adolescents and their families.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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MAPEAR – Associação Mobilizando Amigos pelo Amor

Sobre a organização: The organization aims to awaken vocations, potential and skills through activities in the areas of culture, sport and arts, preparing children and adolescents for a harmonious family life and forming independent citizens capable of transforming their reality and society. of the people around them, with attitudes and initiatives that demonstrate that it is worth mobilizing through love, for the transformation of society in favor of a better world.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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IPTI – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologia e Inovação

Sobre a organização: O IPTI visa despertar o papel criativo e transformador das pessoas, para que elas façam a diferença na sua comunidade, no Brasil e no mundo. O projeto visa capacitar empreendedoras, desenvolver novos produtos de design, garantir a qualidade na produção, implantar soluções sustentáveis e formalizar um negócio social. Através dessas frentes, o projeto visa promover a autonomia, sustentabilidade e crescimento das participantes, ampliando suas oportunidades no mercado.

Phi support: Human resources, materials and equipment.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.