
Supported organizations All Organizations

Instituto Jatobás

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: Fully develop young people aged 13 to 17 years and 11 months, in terms of self-knowledge, development of socio-emotional and cognitive skills and abilities, mentoring, training in technical areas for creative and social entrepreneurship, presentation of professions and new forms of work in the field Beautiful and region, contributing to income generation, socioeconomic development and transformation of their lives as well as the territory where they live.

Phi support: FUMCAD.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Humanitas360

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The mission of the Humanitas360 Institute is to promote research, knowledge, citizen engagement and transparency, developing collaborative solutions to achieve significant social transformations in a generation. To fulfill this mission, they develop projects and facilitate coalitions of social organizations, professionals and public managers focused on reducing violence, promoting active citizenship and increasing transparency. Furthermore, they work with a multidisciplinary team in the field, inside and outside prison establishments, with and without the target population, creating social and pacifying relationships.

Phi support: Materials and equipment, human resources, food and accommodation.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Instituto Habitar


Sobre a organização: Habitar aims to contribute to the organizational and productive strengthening of rural communities of family farmers, quilombolas and indigenous people, through the promotion of actions aimed at productive inclusion and generation of work and income as a strategy to combat poverty and hunger in rural northeastern areas.

Phi support: Human resources, materials and equipment.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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Instituto Guetto

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Through education, combat structural racism, reduce inequalities and contribute to a fair society that provides the tools for black and indigenous people to achieve social mobility.

Phi support: Infrastructure, material, equipment and human resources.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Evoé

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Carry out maintenance of the Riachuelo Theater, its permanent activities, artistic and cultural programming, and socio-educational activities. Dance, theater, music and other shows for the general public, in addition to training activities.

Phi support: Rouanet Law.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituição Beneficente Lar de Maria

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: Promote interaction activities between the group responsible for the food preparation operation (nutritionist, social educator and health technician), children and their families, using food as a tool to promote a healthy and balanced diet. Ensure that the institution's 415 children have sufficient access to nutritious food throughout the year and raise awareness of healthy eating habits among the 407 families served.

Phi support: FUMCAD.

Duration: 2023.

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Fundação Social Raimundo Fagner


Sobre a organização: Promotion of human development, artistic thinking and aesthetic perception. Art as a strong ally in the socialization of children and adolescents, an element that induces citizenship, the creation and construction of new meanings for human existence.

Phi support: FIA.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Fundação Fé e Alegria do Brasil


Sobre a organização: The organization develops cultural, artistic, sporting, leisure and human development activities, serving 70 children and adolescents, working to prevent situations of vulnerability and social risk by offering activities to develop potential and strengthen family and community bonds.

Phi support: Fundo da Infância e Adolescência.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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Filmland Internacional

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: Directing several feature films.

Phi support: Audiovisual Law.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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Federação Paranaense de Triathlon


Sobre a organização: Provide training, physical preparation and competition conditions for Fernando Toldi, a high-performance triathlon athlete.

Phi support: Federal Sports Incentive Law.

Duration: 2023.

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Fábrica dos Sonhos

Minas Gerais

Sobre a organização: A organização promove a cultura do bem-viver usando de ferramentas educacionais e vivenciais como palestras, cursos, projetos e programas voltados principalmente para populações em situação de vulnerabilidade e em especial a população negra, feminina, jovem e periférica.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Dona Obra

PernambucoRio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: De maneira integrada, a Dona Obra busca solucionar os principais problemas enfrentados pela população de baixa renda quando estas tentam promover melhorias habitacionais. A solução do Kit Reforma oferecido pela organização inclui o projeto, o acompanhamento técnico, o material, a mão de obra e a facilidade do pagamento, possibilita a produção habitacional com qualidade e rapidez para as famílias.

Phi support: Reformas subsidiadas.

Duration: 2023.

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.