
Supported organizations All Organizations

Nosso Instituto

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Its objective is to promote access to health and social well-being, through educational actions associated with medical care with a focus on preventing diseases with the highest incidence in the population served.

Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.

Duration: 2023.

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Mude Brasil Administração de Museus Esportivos Ltda

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Design, build and manage the Flamengo Museum, an in-person and digital experience dedicated to celebrating the history of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo.

Phi support: Rouanet Law.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

Ministério Internacional de Misericórdia


Sobre a organização: The organization seeks to promote quality of life through the social, political and pedagogical development of children, adolescents and their families.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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MAPEAR – Associação Mobilizando Amigos pelo Amor

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The organization aims to awaken vocations, potential and skills through activities in the areas of culture, sport and arts, preparing children and adolescents for a harmonious family life and forming independent citizens capable of transforming their reality and society. of the people around them, with attitudes and initiatives that demonstrate that it is worth mobilizing through love, for the transformation of society in favor of a better world.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Lar Torres de Melo


Sobre a organização: Serving 200 elderly people with institutional care services, providing comprehensive care that ensures a dignified and quality life.

Phi support: Elderly Law

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Lar São Vicente de Paulo

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The Institution welcomes elderly people who request it through spontaneous demand or referred by the rights guarantee network (CREAS/FÓRUM).

Phi support: Construction materials and human resources.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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IPTI – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologia e Inovação


Sobre a organização: O IPTI visa despertar o papel criativo e transformador das pessoas, para que elas façam a diferença na sua comunidade, no Brasil e no mundo. O projeto visa capacitar empreendedoras, desenvolver novos produtos de design, garantir a qualidade na produção, implantar soluções sustentáveis e formalizar um negócio social. Através dessas frentes, o projeto visa promover a autonomia, sustentabilidade e crescimento das participantes, ampliando suas oportunidades no mercado.

Phi support: Human resources, materials and equipment.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Instituto Rumo Náutico

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: The organization's objective is to guarantee socialization paths through education and professional training, through the sport of Sailing via social inclusion of 450 children, adolescents and young people in social vulnerability, from the municipality of Niterói and surrounding areas.

Phi support: Federal Sports Incentive Law.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Rogerio Steinberg

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: The IRS is a non-profit organization that contributes to the reduction of social inequalities and the exercise of citizenship, through supplementary education activities (cultural and educational) offered to these often ignored talents.

Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Rizomas

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The Socio-Emotional Program has been running since 2017, with activities carried out on Sundays by volunteers who promote the development of socio-emotional skills in 50 children. We use project-based learning as a methodology in which children and adolescents structure proposals on sustainability, gender equality, democracy, food, culture and art, education, human rights, among others. This practice is scientifically proven to be a great option for developing socio-emotional skills, since learning takes place contextually, in life and with themes of interest to the participants, which is fundamental for the development of skills such as: empathy, cooperation , self-regulation, decision-making, creativity, among others.

Phi support: Human resources, food and materials.

Duration: 2022, 2023 e 2024

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Instituto Resgatando Vidas

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The organization works to train professionals to obtain opportunities through income generation, entrepreneurship and employability through the job market, with a focus on transforming lives.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Reditus

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Reditus aims to empower the UFRJ community to be a protagonist in Brazil's social, technological and scientific progress.

Phi support: Scholarships.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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