
Supported organizations All Organizations

SESM – Programa Social Sim Eu Sou do Meio

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: The organization seeks to develop in people a feeling of appreciation and belonging to the territory. Providing more vulnerable children, adolescents and young people with ways to overcome social reality. To do this, they rely on education, culture and sport as the basis of their work, and through critical awareness, reduce inequalities.

Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transportation, food and Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Rede Capacitrans

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: The organization aims to offer opportunities for Trans, Transvestites, Non-Binary and LGBIQAP+ people in situations of extreme social vulnerability, providing professional and entrepreneurial training with a focus on income generation and inclusion in the job market.

Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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PROCAJ – Projeto Caminhando Junto

Minas Gerais

Sobre a organização: PROCAJ's objective is to promote social transformation through the territorial development of the Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, strengthening social protagonism in the protection, promotion and defense of rights.

Phi support: Human resources, materials, equipment and implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Ministério Internacional de Misericórdia


Sobre a organização: The organization seeks to promote quality of life through the social, political and pedagogical development of children, adolescents and their families.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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MAPEAR – Associação Mobilizando Amigos pelo Amor

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The organization aims to awaken vocations, potential and skills through activities in the areas of culture, sport and arts, preparing children and adolescents for a harmonious family life and forming independent citizens capable of transforming their reality and society. of the people around them, with attitudes and initiatives that demonstrate that it is worth mobilizing through love, for the transformation of society in favor of a better world.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Resgatando Vidas

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: The organization works to train professionals to obtain opportunities through income generation, entrepreneurship and employability through the job market, with a focus on transforming lives.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Instituto Habitar


Sobre a organização: Habitar aims to contribute to the organizational and productive strengthening of rural communities of family farmers, quilombolas and indigenous people, through the promotion of actions aimed at productive inclusion and generation of work and income as a strategy to combat poverty and hunger in rural northeastern areas.

Phi support: Human resources, materials and equipment.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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Instituto Guetto

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: Through education, combat structural racism, reduce inequalities and contribute to a fair society that provides the tools for black and indigenous people to achieve social mobility.

Phi support: Infrastructure, material, equipment and human resources.

Duration: 2023.

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Fábrica dos Sonhos

Minas Gerais

Sobre a organização: A organização promove a cultura do bem-viver usando de ferramentas educacionais e vivenciais como palestras, cursos, projetos e programas voltados principalmente para populações em situação de vulnerabilidade e em especial a população negra, feminina, jovem e periférica.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Creche Escola Maria de Nazaré

São Paulo

Sobre a organização: A organização contribui para o aprimoramento social, prestando serviços na área de educação e assistência social que promovam a inclusão e a proteção à família, à infância, à maternidade e à adolescência. Buscando a melhoria da qualidade de vida e a formação da cidadania, tendo como princípio o respeito mútuo e a responsabilidade de todos os envolvidos na ação educativa.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Centro de Defesa da Vida e dos Direitos Humanos – Carmen Bascarán


Sobre a organização: A organização defende a dignidade da vida onde for mais ameaçada e os direitos humanos onde forem menos reconhecidos dando atenção privilegiada às pessoas mais empobrecidas, exploradas e oprimidas.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Associação Prover

Rio de Janeiro

Sobre a organização: A organização atua com crianças, adolescentes, jovens e grupos familiares em situação de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, promovendo a inclusão sociocultural, adotando o viés da arte, cultura e educação como instrumentos para desenvolvimento da autonomia, colaborando com bem-estar social, liberdade de pensamento e expressão das comunidades.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.