Supported organizations All Organizations
Paris Entretenimento
About: Direct several feature films, “A 5 star day”, “My name is Gal”, “Vacation Exchanged”, “You don’t know what I do”.
Phi support: Audiovisual Law.
Duration: 2023.
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Origem Amorim
About: Its objective is to support and develop actions to defend, increase and maintain the quality of human life, through activities of general education, health, environment, culture and arts, for which it can suggest, promote, collaborate, coordinate or execute actions and projects. It aims to transform people in situations of social vulnerability, primarily children and young people, into full citizens, through increasing knowledge, awakening autonomy and educating to protect.
Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.
Duration: 2023, 2024 e 2025.
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Nosso Instituto
About: Its objective is to promote access to health and social well-being, through educational actions associated with medical care with a focus on preventing diseases with the highest incidence in the population served.
Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.
Duration: 2023.
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Mude Brasil Administração de Museus Esportivos Ltda
About: Design, build and manage the Flamengo Museum, an in-person and digital experience dedicated to celebrating the history of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo.
Phi support: Rouanet Law.
Duration: 2023, 2024 e 2025.
Instituto Rumo Náutico
About: The organization's objective is to guarantee socialization paths through education and professional training, through the sport of Sailing via social inclusion of 450 children, adolescents and young people in social vulnerability, from the municipality of Niterói and surrounding areas.
Phi support: Federal Sports Incentive Law.
Duration: 2023.
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Instituto Rogerio Steinberg
About: The IRS is a non-profit organization that contributes to the reduction of social inequalities and the exercise of citizenship, through supplementary education activities (cultural and educational) offered to these often ignored talents.
Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.
Duration: 2023.
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Instituto Reditus
About: Reditus aims to empower the UFRJ community to be a protagonist in Brazil's social, technological and scientific progress.
Phi support: Scholarships.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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Instituto Guetto
About: Through education, combat structural racism, reduce inequalities and contribute to a fair society that provides the tools for black and indigenous people to achieve social mobility.
Phi support: Infrastructure, material, equipment and human resources.
Duration: 2023.
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Instituto Evoé
About: Carry out maintenance of the Riachuelo Theater, its permanent activities, artistic and cultural programming, and socio-educational activities. Dance, theater, music and other shows for the general public, in addition to training activities.
Phi support: Rouanet Law.
Duration: 2023, 2024 e 2025.
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Dona Obra
About: De maneira integrada, a Dona Obra busca solucionar os principais problemas enfrentados pela população de baixa renda quando estas tentam promover melhorias habitacionais. A solução do Kit Reforma oferecido pela organização inclui o projeto, o acompanhamento técnico, o material, a mão de obra e a facilidade do pagamento, possibilita a produção habitacional com qualidade e rapidez para as famílias.
Phi support: Reformas subsidiadas.
Duration: 2023.
Das Lima Produção e Promoções de Eventos Ltda
About: Restaurar, e revitalizar o conjunto de bens tombados da Praça Paris. Serão realizadas ações paralelas culturais apresentadas gratuitamente no Parque Madureira e na própria Praça Paris e a produção de um video contendo a reforma e a história da Praça.
Phi support: Lei ISS RJ.
Duration: 2023.
Clube de Regatas do Flamengo
About: Promover o desenvolvimento esportivo nos núcleos de Ginástica Artística, Nado Artístico, Natação e Pólo Aquático, Basquete, Voleibol e Judo além do projeto CUIDAR – Centro Unificado de Identificação e Desenvolvimento de Atletas de Rendimento, composto por profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar que irão atuar em conjunto com a equipe técnica das modalidades esportivas.
Phi support: Federal Sports Incentive Law.
Duration: 2023, 2024 e 2025.
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