Supported organizations All Organizations
Creche Comunitária Céu Azul
About: Promote educational actions with the Agricultural Community of Higienópolis linked to education, culture, sustainability and sport.
Phi support: Communication, infrastructure, materials, equipment and human resources.
Duration: 2023.
Grupo Alfazendo
About: Promote the social, economic and environmental development of Cidade de Deus through a broad and integrated socio-environmental education and income generation project.
Phi support: Infraestrutura, materiais, equipamentos, recursos humanos, transporte, alimentação e outros.
Duration: 2023 e 2024.
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Instituto de Projetos Socioambientais – IPROSA
About: Promote a new environmental culture and change in the community's relationship with the waste generated, seeking to minimize the harmful effects of inadequate waste disposal throughout the community.
Phi support: Infrastructure, materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.
Duration: 2023.
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Centro Educacional Criança, Futuro e Adolescente – CECFA
About: Contribute to the educational training of children and adolescents, encouraging formal education, stimulating quality of life and the construction of knowledge about local history, through creative dance and craft workshops, and school support.
Phi support: Infrastructure, human resources, transport and food.
Duration: 2023.
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SESM – Programa Social Sim Eu Sou do Meio
About: The organization seeks to develop in people a feeling of appreciation and belonging to the territory. Providing more vulnerable children, adolescents and young people with ways to overcome social reality. To do this, they rely on education, culture and sport as the basis of their work, and through critical awareness, reduce inequalities.
Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transportation, food and Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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SAS Brasil
About: The organization's objective is to bring access to specialized healthcare, with joy, to those who don't have it.
Phi support: Communication, materials, equipment, transport, food and human resources.
Duration: 2022 e 2023.
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Samba Educa
About: The objective of the project is to promote education through the appreciation of Afro-Brazilian ancestral culture and digital inclusion, increasing the employability and income of socially vulnerable people in communities linked to Samba.
Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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Rede Capacitrans
About: The organization aims to offer opportunities for Trans, Transvestites, Non-Binary and LGBIQAP+ people in situations of extreme social vulnerability, providing professional and entrepreneurial training with a focus on income generation and inclusion in the job market.
Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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Paris Entretenimento
About: Direct several feature films, “A 5 star day”, “My name is Gal”, “Vacation Exchanged”, “You don’t know what I do”.
Phi support: Audiovisual Law.
Duration: 2023.
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Origem Amorim
About: Its objective is to support and develop actions to defend, increase and maintain the quality of human life, through activities of general education, health, environment, culture and arts, for which it can suggest, promote, collaborate, coordinate or execute actions and projects. It aims to transform people in situations of social vulnerability, primarily children and young people, into full citizens, through increasing knowledge, awakening autonomy and educating to protect.
Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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Nosso Instituto
About: Its objective is to promote access to health and social well-being, through educational actions associated with medical care with a focus on preventing diseases with the highest incidence in the population served.
Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.
Duration: 2023.
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Mude Brasil Administração de Museus Esportivos Ltda
About: Design, build and manage the Flamengo Museum, an in-person and digital experience dedicated to celebrating the history of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo.
Phi support: Rouanet Law.
Duration: 2023 e 2024