
Informs PHI

human rights

Instituto Humanitas360

About the project: The mission of the Humanitas360 Institute is to promote research, knowledge, citizen engagement and transparency, developing collaborative solutions to achieve significant social transformations in a generation. To fulfill this mission, they develop projects and facilitate coalitions of social organizations, professionals and public managers focused on reducing violence, promoting active citizenship and increasing transparency. Furthermore, they work with a multidisciplinary team in the field, inside and outside prison establishments, with and without the target population, creating social and pacifying relationships.

Phi support: Materials and equipment, human resources, food and accommodation.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Stories of the month

Quando o empreendedorismo resgata e celebra raízes

Phi Bulletin

Boletim Phi: Meio ambiente em modo de emergência

Livros & Filmes

Mulheres do Terceiro Setor

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Amor sem limites: a adoção de uma bebê com Síndrome de Down

Articles and interviews

Ressignificando o amor: ‘Decidimos priorizar a doação’, diz casal de doadores

Stories of the month

Um saque que fica para a história
Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.