
Informs PHI

São Paulo


About the project: It receives and assists children and adolescents from other regions of Brazil and Latin America who go to São Paulo in search of medical treatment, and who do not have the financial means to support themselves during the time of treatment.

Phi support: Institutional.

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Stories of the month

Quando o empreendedorismo resgata e celebra raízes

Phi Bulletin

Boletim Phi: Meio ambiente em modo de emergência

Livros & Filmes

Mulheres do Terceiro Setor

Stories of the month

Amor sem limites: a adoção de uma bebê com Síndrome de Down

Articles and interviews

Ressignificando o amor: ‘Decidimos priorizar a doação’, diz casal de doadores

Stories of the month

Um saque que fica para a história
Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.