
PROCAJ – Projeto Caminhando Junto

Sobre a organização: PROCAJ's objective is to promote social transformation through the territorial development of the Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, strengthening social protagonism in the protection, promotion and defense of rights.

Phi support: Human resources, materials, equipment and implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Origem Amorim

Sobre a organização: Its objective is to support and develop actions to defend, increase and maintain the quality of human life, through activities of general education, health, environment, culture and arts, for which it can suggest, promote, collaborate, coordinate or execute actions and projects. It aims to transform people in situations of social vulnerability, primarily children and young people, into full citizens, through increasing knowledge, awakening autonomy and educating to protect.

Phi support: Materials and Equipment, Transport and Food and Human Resources.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Nosso Instituto

Sobre a organização: Its objective is to promote access to health and social well-being, through educational actions associated with medical care with a focus on preventing diseases with the highest incidence in the population served.

Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transport and food.

Duration: 2023.

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.