Supported organizations All Organizations
Associação de Amigos e Familiares de Presos/as e Internos da Fundação Casa (AMPARAR)
About: O projeto proposto visa o fortalecimento da atuação da AMPARAR através das articuladoras que atuam na Associação, possibilitando que o trabalho desenvolvido em regiões como Itaquera e Sapopemba tenha mais apoio, promovendo o fortalecimento e a ampliação da rede de apoio e de contatos da AMPARAR a partir da prospecção de equipamentos públicos e de instituições parceiras. As articuladoras da organização atuarão em cada região mencionada durante os 6 meses de projeto, estabelecendo contato com equipamentos públicos, instituições parceiras e atores locais.
Phi support: Transporte e Alimentação, Materiais e Equipamentos e Recursos Humanos
Duration: 2024
Associação Pela Propriedade Comunitária- Fundo FICA
About: A organização é administrada pela Associação Pela Propriedade Comunitária, e visa adquirir e gerir imóveis em São Paulo para oferecer aluguel justo a famílias de baixa renda. Sua abordagem envolve aquisição de propriedades, alianças com proprietários éticos e foco em três eixos: desenvolvimento teórico, aplicação prática e compartilhamento de conhecimento. O fundo adquire propriedades subutilizadas, utiliza diversas fontes de recursos, converte doações em patrimônio, seleciona e acompanha inquilinos, proporcionando suporte durante a ocupação.
Phi support: Infraestrutura, Materiais e Equipamentos, Outros
Duration: 2024
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Associação Base Colaborativa
About: A organização cria ambientes colaborativos onde as pessoas descobrem seu potencial como agentes de mudança, através de projetos sociais e diálogos participativos. Ao passarem por essa experiência, os participantes se tornam engajados no impacto social global, impulsionando conexões em rede e o surgimento de soluções inovadoras para desafios sociais, conectando e transformando indivíduos, empresas e a sociedade em geral.
Phi support: Infraestrtura
Duration: 2024
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Associação Assistencial Jesus Chama-te no Caminho para a Luz
About: Nosso objetivo é promover a autonomia, o protagonismo e o fortalecimento de vínculos familiares e comunitários em crianças e adolescentes, por meio de atividades socioculturais e socioeducativas que complementam as ações familiares e comunitárias, assegurando espaços de convívio e desenvolvimento de relações afetivas e culturais.
Phi support: Recursos Humanos
Duration: 2024
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United Way Brasil
About: GOYN is a global program, present in 9 countries, formed by young people, companies, social organizations and public authorities to promote the productive inclusion of socially vulnerable youth. Our focus is to offer job and income opportunities to 100,000 young people from the outskirts of São Paulo by 2030, based on the principles of Collective Impact.
The program has the general objective of catalyzing effective and innovative actions that strengthen the ecosystem of productive inclusion of young potentials in professions of the future* in the city of São Paulo.
*Professions of the Future: encompass formal work and other more innovative forms of work, such as self-employment, cooperativism and entrepreneurship. These are professions that tend to grow and are related to the economic vocation of the city of São Paulo. We will focus on three main economies: digital, creative and green.
Phi support: Events, software licenses, internet assistance for beneficiaries.
Duration: 2023.
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MAPEAR – Associação Mobilizando Amigos pelo Amor
About: The organization aims to awaken vocations, potential and skills through activities in the areas of culture, sport and arts, preparing children and adolescents for a harmonious family life and forming independent citizens capable of transforming their reality and society. of the people around them, with attitudes and initiatives that demonstrate that it is worth mobilizing through love, for the transformation of society in favor of a better world.
Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.
Duration: 2023.
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Lar São Vicente de Paulo
About: The Institution welcomes elderly people who request it through spontaneous demand or referred by the rights guarantee network (CREAS/FÓRUM).
Phi support: Construction materials and human resources.
Duration: 2023 e 2024.
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Instituto Rizomas
About: The Socio-Emotional Program has been running since 2017, with activities carried out on Sundays by volunteers who promote the development of socio-emotional skills in 50 children. We use project-based learning as a methodology in which children and adolescents structure proposals on sustainability, gender equality, democracy, food, culture and art, education, human rights, among others. This practice is scientifically proven to be a great option for developing socio-emotional skills, since learning takes place contextually, in life and with themes of interest to the participants, which is fundamental for the development of skills such as: empathy, cooperation , self-regulation, decision-making, creativity, among others.
Phi support: Human resources, food and materials.
Duration: 2022, 2023 e 2024
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Instituto Resgatando Vidas
About: The organization works to train professionals to obtain opportunities through income generation, entrepreneurship and employability through the job market, with a focus on transforming lives.
Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.
Duration: 2023.
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Instituto Jatobás
About: Fully develop young people aged 13 to 17 years and 11 months, in terms of self-knowledge, development of socio-emotional and cognitive skills and abilities, mentoring, training in technical areas for creative and social entrepreneurship, presentation of professions and new forms of work in the field Beautiful and region, contributing to income generation, socioeconomic development and transformation of their lives as well as the territory where they live.
Phi support: FUMCAD.
Duration: 2023.
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Instituto Humanitas360
About: The mission of the Humanitas360 Institute is to promote research, knowledge, citizen engagement and transparency, developing collaborative solutions to achieve significant social transformations in a generation. To fulfill this mission, they develop projects and facilitate coalitions of social organizations, professionals and public managers focused on reducing violence, promoting active citizenship and increasing transparency. Furthermore, they work with a multidisciplinary team in the field, inside and outside prison establishments, with and without the target population, creating social and pacifying relationships.
Phi support: Materials and equipment, human resources, food and accommodation.
Duration: 2023 e 2024
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Instituição Beneficente Lar de Maria
About: Promote interaction activities between the group responsible for the food preparation operation (nutritionist, social educator and health technician), children and their families, using food as a tool to promote a healthy and balanced diet. Ensure that the institution's 415 children have sufficient access to nutritious food throughout the year and raise awareness of healthy eating habits among the 407 families served.
Phi support: FUMCAD.
Duration: 2023 e 2024.
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