

Associação da casa de repouso Lar da Vovó Marli

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Reception of 27 elderly people in situation of social vulnerability. Special diet, health care and recreational activities are offered.

Phi support: Purchase of hospital mattress and bed linen.

Duration: .

Casa Ronald McDonald (Ronald McDonald House Charities)

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Give comprehensive care to children and adolescents with cancer and their families.

Phi support: Reform and purchase of equipment.

Duration: , , .


Rio de Janeiro

About the project: It offers integrated services of physical rehabilitation to people of all ages with quality and social responsibility, stimulating their potentialities and independence for a full and dignified life in society.

Phi support: Purchase of equipment.

Duration: , .

Ação Social Pela Música do Brasil

Rio de Janeiro

About the project:Social inclusion and citizenship formation through the teaching of classical music, for children, adolescents and young people living in a community that are in a situation of social vulnerability.

Phi support:orchestra, via the ISS Law (Law nº 5.553 / 2013).

Duration: , , .

ACUCA – Associação Cultural do Camorim

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: It rescues and values elements that make up the cultural heritage of Camorim, besides the defense, preservation and conservation of the environment and the sustainability of the place.

Phi support: Management of the Announcement of the Rio 2017 Institute.

Duration: , .

Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.