

Casa de Santa Ana

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Welcomes the elderly in the daytime, offering activities, psychosocial support, food and monitoring of the multidisciplinary team. It also offers ballet, singing and percussion classes, lectures and socio-educational and cultural activities for children and young people.

Phi support: Curative and institutional sector.

Duration: , , .

Casa de Apoio a criança com câncer São Vicente de Paulo

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Offers children and adolescents with cancer, sickle cell disease, thalassemia and other serious non-contagious blood diseases, as well as their companions, from distant municipalities in all Brazilian states, providing the necessary support to who may face the material and emotional difficulties caused by the disease.

Phi support: Institutional and installation of solar plate.

Duration: , , .

São Charbel

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Educational proposal dedicated to the construction of critical and autonomous thinking, offering children a new perspective through playful, reflective and meaningful experiences.

Phi support: Reform.

Duration: .

Abraço Campeão

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Inspira crianças e jovens através das artes marciais, integradas com educação e desenvolvimento pessoal, para que sejam protagonistas da sua história.

Phi support: Viagem dos atletas, reforma e equipamentos.

Duration: 2018, 2019, 2022 e 2023.

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Luta Pela Paz

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Use boxing and martial arts, combined with education and personal development, to develop the potential of young people in communities that suffer from crime and violence.

Phi support: Peace Athletes (judo).

Duration: 2015, 2018, 2019 e 2023.

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.