
Instituição Beneficente Lar de Maria

Sobre a organização: Promote interaction activities between the group responsible for the food preparation operation (nutritionist, social educator and health technician), children and their families, using food as a tool to promote a healthy and balanced diet. Ensure that the institution's 415 children have sufficient access to nutritious food throughout the year and raise awareness of healthy eating habits among the 407 families served.

Phi support: FUMCAD.

Duration: 2023.

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Fundação Social Raimundo Fagner

Sobre a organização: Promotion of human development, artistic thinking and aesthetic perception. Art as a strong ally in the socialization of children and adolescents, an element that induces citizenship, the creation and construction of new meanings for human existence.

Phi support: FIA.

Duration: 2023 e 2024

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Fundação Fé e Alegria do Brasil

Sobre a organização: The organization develops cultural, artistic, sporting, leisure and human development activities, serving 70 children and adolescents, working to prevent situations of vulnerability and social risk by offering activities to develop potential and strengthen family and community bonds.

Phi support: Fundo da Infância e Adolescência.

Duration: 2023 e 2024.

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.