

Centro Educacional Criança, Futuro e Adolescente – CECFA

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: Contribute to the educational training of children and adolescents, encouraging formal education, stimulating quality of life and the construction of knowledge about local history, through creative dance and craft workshops, and school support.

Phi support: Infrastructure, human resources, transport and food.

Duration: 2023.

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United Way Brasil

São Paulo

About the project: GOYN is a global program, present in 9 countries, formed by young people, companies, social organizations and public authorities to promote the productive inclusion of socially vulnerable youth. Our focus is to offer job and income opportunities to 100,000 young people from the outskirts of São Paulo by 2030, based on the principles of Collective Impact.

The program has the general objective of catalyzing effective and innovative actions that strengthen the ecosystem of productive inclusion of young potentials in professions of the future* in the city of São Paulo.

*Professions of the Future: encompass formal work and other more innovative forms of work, such as self-employment, cooperativism and entrepreneurship. These are professions that tend to grow and are related to the economic vocation of the city of São Paulo. We will focus on three main economies: digital, creative and green.

Phi support: Events, software licenses, internet assistance for beneficiaries.

Duration: 2023.

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União Comunitária de Desenvolvimento de Freixeiras


About the project: The organization works with the social rights of women, children and adolescents. Verifying the need for a project that aims to minimize the impacts caused by social inequality. Intending to provide courses, workshops and training to contribute to the insertion of women in the job market.

Phi support: Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Sociedade Pernambucana de Combate ao Câncer


About the project: The Pernambuco Cancer Hospital (HCP) is a private, non-profit institution dedicated to the diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of cancer patients, through the Unified Health System – SUS.

Phi support: Elderly Law

Duration: 2023.

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SESM – Programa Social Sim Eu Sou do Meio

Rio de Janeiro

About the project: The organization seeks to develop in people a feeling of appreciation and belonging to the territory. Providing more vulnerable children, adolescents and young people with ways to overcome social reality. To do this, they rely on education, culture and sport as the basis of their work, and through critical awareness, reduce inequalities.

Phi support: Materials, equipment, human resources, transportation, food and Implementation of the conquest/regain Program.

Duration: 2023.

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Created and developed by Refinaria Design. Updated by Sense Design.